Friday, 27 May 2016

Manglik Dosh Nivaran Pooja

Manglik Dosha Nivaran Pooja

Manglik Dosh is considered to be very prominent in the Hindu religion during the marriages. The actual name for Mangal dosh is sumanglik dosha, which means the problems raised on the auspicious day like on the day of marriage. The hurdles in the good work are considered to be the effect of Manglik Dosh or Kuja Dosh. The girl is considered as manglik when the planet Mars is placed either in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house of the birth chart. The girl with the Manglik Dosh has the threat to get widow. For these girls the Kumbha Vivah is arranged  and the manglik dosha nivaran Pooja is arranged to neutralize the effect of the Mangal Dosha in the horoscope.

Evil Effects of Manglik Dosha

There are various evil effects of Manglik Dosha like:-

    Problems in understanding the point of view of other person.
    Problems in empathizing with other partner.
    Problems in getting involved with the partner.
    Problems in controlling the anxiety, anger and depression
    Can prove to be a problematic person for the partner.
    Can create hurdle in the success of the partner.

How to do Manglik Dosh Nivaran Pooja

On this day special Manglik Dosh Nivaran Pooja is done to Goddess Parvati by dressing up in the traditional dress of a married woman to represent that they want to be like Goddess Gauri for the whole life. Goddess Parvati blesses those women with all the material prosperity, wealth and the good health and the happy married life. The mangala Gauri Pooja should be done with full devotion and only the vegetarian food should be taken for the whole month of saavan. Mangla Gauri Pooja is very effective to remove the dosha of mangal from the horoscope of the women.

Importance of Mangal Dosh Nivaran Pooja

The mars planet keeps the special importance when it comes to marriage as the position of Mars decides the passion, husband, sex and marital knot. According to the astrology, Mars in the fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house results in the dosha.

Benefits Pooja

There are several benefits of the Manglik Dosh Nivaran Pooja as it removes the dosha of Manglik from the horoscope which can help the individual to get rid of the problems in the married life, problems in understanding the partner and even the fear to get widow. The health problems are also rectified and the wealth of the person is maintained.

Mantra for Manglik Dosh

“Dharanee Garbhsambhootam Vidyutkantisamprabham

Kumaram Shaktihastam Cha Mangalam Pranamamyaham”

“Om Agnirmoordhadivah Kakutpati Prithivya Ayam

Apaang Retaang Si Jinvati Bhoumay Namah”

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